Meet the creator.
Hi mama, I'm Janelle! I strongly believe that "EveryBODY is a bellydance BODY" so whether you want to pursue a professional career or simply enjoy your perfect body, my Goddess tribe is here to welcome you! My mission is to help you grow and reach your personal goals through the body loving art for of Bellydance. Gain the confidence to face all of life’s obstacles, challenges, and joys with an open heart. Are you ready to to tap into your Goddess energy today? See you in class!

Need Guidance?
I am here to help you grow and explore the beautiful art-form of Bellydance!
Not sure where to start or what classes might be best for you? Please contact me "Janelle" right here on the site via chat or email! Share your Raqs (dance) desires with me and together we can create the best class schedule to fit your personal needs to reach your goals!
No matter where you live I am accessible and have so much to share with you!!
Become a JBelly Jewel Loyalty Member before booking classes to earn rewards.

أنا في مهمة لمساعدة النساء
تشعر بالثقة والجاذبية والجاذبية
في بشرتهم.
ما أفعله
أنا جانيل.
فنان وطني فلسطيني أمريكي موهوب ومحب للمرح وفنان متجول ، ومصمم رقصات ، وفنان ، ويوجيني معتمد ، وخبير تغذية ، و CESD موقع وراقص.
اشتهرت بضحكتي المعدية وأناقتي المفعمة بالحيوية في البرنامج الأمريكي الشهير "So You Think You Can Dance" الموسم التاسع كأفضل سادسة متأهبة للتصفيات النهائية والراقصة الشرقية الوحيدة المدربة على المستوى الكلاسيكي والاندماج التي وصلت إلى مسرح Fox!
اليوم أقوم بتعليم النساء الجريئات مثلك كيف يغطين الصحة العقلية والجسدية والعاطفية من خلال فن الرقص!
بدأت رحلتي للرقص الشرقي في سن الرابعة من خلال دراسة فن الرقص الشرقي المصري الكلاسيكي تحت رعاية "عزيزة برمنغهام". لاحقًا ، درست في جامعة ألاباما حيث حصلت على درجة البكالوريوس في التغذية وأداء الرقص ، حيث تعلمت على يد كورنيليوس كارتر من ألفين أيلي!

منذ التخرج ، كان لدي الكثير من الفرص لأكون ممتنًا لها!
وهنا عدد قليل من المفضلات بلدي:
سافرت في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة وخارجها للتدريس والأداء بمفردها ومع "Showstoppers On Tour"
ظهرت في أول إعلان تجاري دولي لي مع T-Mobil مع الفنان J.Balvin
جعلت نيويورك منزلي وأنا أستمتع بالتواصل مع طلابها من جميع الأعمار والقدرات من خلال فن الرقص الشرقي في مركز برودواي للرقص وإمتداد ألفين أيلي
مصممة للفنانة الصوتية العالمية عبير
ظهرت في الموسم الثالث من The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel بالتعاون مع مصممة الرقصات الشهيرة Marguerite Derricks
ظهرت في Good Morning America مع Derek و Julianne Hough أثناء العمل مع Tabitha و Napoleon
ظهرت في فيديو الأغنية المنفردة "YOGA" مع جانيل موني
محور الغطاء
عندما ضرب Covid ، كان علينا جميعًا أن نركز قليلاً! لقد رأيت أنها فرصة كبيرة لإنشاء فصل دراسي افتراضي حتى نتمكن من الاستمرار في الرقص والإبداع معًا مع نشر الفرح والحب! الآن أحضر الفصول إليك يا جمال! جرب فصلًا دراسيًا من جميع أنحاء العالم ، أو في راحة منزلك!

دعونا نرقص ، الجمال!
سواء كنت ترغب في ممارسة مهنة مهنية أو ترغب ببساطة في تنمية الفرح العميق وحب الذات - فقد تم إعداد هذه الفصول من أجلك!
Meet the staff.
Nikki Farahanchi: @nikki.dancee
Nikki Farahanchi is an Iranian dance specialist. She is a lover and learner of all styles of Persian dance and bellydance, inspired by her own Iranian American identity and summer travels to Iran. Currently, she is a Persian Dance Instructor at Pardis for Children, a Manhattan Persian cultural immersion school. Prior to that, she was the choreographer and creative director of the Persian Students Association dance group and Arabesque bellydance troupe at University of Michigan from 2019 to 2022. Nikki has a passion for teaching the art of Middle Eastern dance to her community and has taught dance workshops to youth, students, and adults for the past seven years. To see past performances and current projects, you can find her dance page on IG at @nikki.dancee.
Laura Valentina Díaz Vera: @laurabellydancer
Meet @Laurabellydancer, a dedicated training professional since 2015. She's learned from various instructors and master teachers, gaining insights and skills from different academies and festivals. She proudly secured 3rd place in the Ladies category at the Cairo By Night Festival 2023 in Greece.
But there's more to her than just dancing - Laura is also a talented costume designer. She brings her creative flair into crafting captivating costumes.
Jude Tounsi: @judybellydancer
Jude is a belly dancer/actress of Syrian descent. She discovered her love for performing at a young age and went on to study in the 2 year acting conservatory program, the William Esper studio in Manhattan. During her studies, she discovered her love of belly dance and the deeper connection it brought her to her heritage. Upon realizing this passion, she committed herself to the art full time. From the JBelly School of RAQ to the Ayaam Zamaan festival in Egypt, Jude has trained with notable masters such as Nada el Masriya, Tito Seif, Yousry Sharif, and so on. She is a current member of the Raqs Al Zahra belly dance troupe led by Natalie Nazario and a performer with the JBelly Jewels with JBelly School of RAQ.
Ilma Shehu: @itsilma._
Ilma, a native New Yorker of Albanian descent, is a passionate and enthusiastic bellydance teacher committed to sharing the art of bellydance with beginners. Her approach is both enticing and welcoming, drawing inspiration from her extensive travels and diverse dance styles. With a strong foundation in traditional Balkan and modern dance from a young age, Ilma began her journey into bellydance in 2022 with a keen interest in exploring various fusion styles and techniques, including tsifteteli. Beginning her journey with renowned teachers such as Janelle Issis and Gabriela Figeuora, Ilma continues to explore connecting in the world of bellydance. She also loves to take this dance outside of the studio, whether on a night out or as a party trick, bringing joy and a touch of her culture to every setting.
Layla Isis: @laylaisis
Layla Isis is a renowned NYC-based professional. She began her studies at the legendary Serena Studios (Classic American Cabaret style) over 2 decades ago & went on to become one of NYC's most popular & highly sought after bellydancers in the region and around the world across a wide array of platforms
CREDITS: Sex and the City 2, The Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Dr. Oz, and Martin Scorsese's HBO series "Vinyl.” The Bellydance Superstars, DVD "Temptation of Bellydance." Co-producer of The New York Oryantal Parti! & The Bellydance Spectacular concert series, Co-founder of Entelechy Dance and Infinity Bellydance troupes. Dalia Carella Dance Collective, Zikrayat, Tomoko Aoki Dance, Goddessdance, NYC Fringe Fest, NYGypsyfest, Town Hall, Lincoln Center, Irving Plaza and celebrities Akon, Ashanti, Gogol Bordello, Yerba Buena, Marc Jacobs, Rachel Ray, Phillip Glass.
Her style has been described by clients and colleagues as "sophisticated and elegant" and "natural, fluid, and dynamic." "A "total" artist all around.
Gloria Mendoza: @glrmndz
Born in Venezuela and raised in Colombia, Gloria grew up dancing Colombian folk dances in Barranquilla. During her teenage years, she became acquainted with the belly dance world through workout videos from Neena and Veena, mesmerizing shows like Night of the Sultans, and performances by Didem Kinali at the Ibo Show.
Gloria began her belly dance journey in 2019, studying Egyptian-style belly dance with teachers like Kaeshi Chai and Gabriela Figueroa at the Bellyqueen School. In 2021, Gloria joined the international troupe Raks Al Zahra under the direction of Natalie Nazario. Since 2022, Gloria has continued to train in Egyptian style with Janelle Isis in New York City and has performed in both group and private events. Gloria has also taken workshops with legendary dancers such as Sahar Samara and Mohammed Shannin.

Janelle Jalila Issis
Creator & Owner of JBelly School of RAQ

Nikki Farahanchi
Persian Dance Instructor

Jude Tounsi
Acting for Bellydance Instructor

Ilma Shehu
Beginner Bellydance Instructor

Laura Valentina Díaz
Melaya Leff Instructor