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 165+ Classes & Growing

As seen on "The Wendy Williams" show 2021 and featured in "The Health Magazine" 2019! BellydanceBURN is an all levels "Sweat Sexy" safe and effective fitness system created by Janelle. Bellydance when you want where you want!... READ MORE

BellydanceBURN: Unlimited Members Platform

BellydanceBURN: Unlimited Members Platform

BellydanceBURN: Unlimited Members Platform
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Are you ready to "Sweat Sexy" with BellydanceBURN™ created by @JBellyBURN

Are you ready to "Sweat Sexy" with BellydanceBURN™ created by @JBellyBURN

تشغيل الفيديو
Khaleegi Style

Khaleegi Style

شاهد الاستعراض
"O'NaNaNa" - Hakim (Sha'abi)

"O'NaNaNa" - Hakim (Sha'abi)

شاهد الاستعراض
"Shattabna" - Ramy Sabry (Sha'abi)

"Shattabna" - Ramy Sabry (Sha'abi)

شاهد الاستعراض
أهلا بك!
Foundational Series
janelle issis with pearl make up
السلسلة التأسيسية
12 Lessons
A - Z Bellydance Vocabulary
Egyptian Raqs Sharqi Talk
15 Min Classes
BellydanceBURN Dance Break!
BOOTYLICIOUS BURN (Live Class Vibe 12)
Janelle Issis wearing a silver costume
فصول 15 دقيقة
27 Lessons
30 Min Classes
belly dancer
حصص 30 دقيقة
25 Lessons
Dynamic Fierce Add-On Choreography + Cool Down
Funky Playful Add-On Choreography & Cool Down
Isolate, Shimmy & Tone (Arms)
45 Minute Classes
Janelle Issis smiling
1 ساعات
13 Classes
1 Hr Classes
Janelle Issis using Fire Palm Torches flames
1 ساعات
39 Lessons
Bonus Classes
fire palm torches janelle issis jbelly school of raq
فئات المكافآت!
34 Lessons
"Wannabe" - Spice Girls
Bandari Persian Dance Workshop with Nikki

Bandari Persian Dance Workshop with Nikki

Travel to the Persian Gulf in the south of Iran with Nikki Farahanchi (IG: @nikki.dancee) as you learn the lively and celebratory Persian dance form called Bandari. Inspired by her summer trips to Iran, Nikki has been studying, teaching, and performing Persian dance since 2017. Recognized by its iconic symbol of jazz hands (or as Iranians say Bandari hands), this traditional dance style is a fun, loving, and freeing form of movement, typically performed at weddings and other celebratory events. Coming from the sea ports and fisher towns, the Bandari dance has been heavily influenced by Arab and African culture, making it a melting pot of dance styles and a truly a dance of the people. This workshop will immerse you into the history of the dance, cover classic Bandari movements, as well as a series of combos that will be used in an exciting choreography that you can take home and continue practicing with. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to learn a unique and different art form! Hope to see you in class! :) BIO: Nikki Farahanchi is an Iranian dance specialist. She is a lover and learner of all styles of Persian dance and bellydance, inspired by her own Iranian American identity and summer travels to Iran. Currently, she is a Persian Dance Instructor at Pardis for Children, a Manhattan Persian cultural immersion school. Prior to that, she was the choreographer and creative director of the Persian Students Association dance group and Arabesque bellydance troupe at University of Michigan from 2019 to 2022. Nikki has a passion for teaching the art of Middle Eastern dance to her community and has taught dance workshops to youth, students, and adults for the past seven years. To see past performances and current projects, you can find her dance page on IG at @nikki.dancee.
Get Your Splits! Taqsim Warm Up & Stretching for Splits!
Movement Bank
Fire Palm torches janelle Issis
Movement Bank
19 Lessons
 tan color swoosh background

شكرا للتقديم!

what movement can i help you with ?

jbelly school of raq logo janelle jaila issis

جانيل إيسيس هي فنانة جولات وطنية موهوبة ومحبة للمرح ومولودة من أصل فلسطيني أمريكي ، ومصممة رقصات ، ومؤدية ، ويوجيني معتمدة ، وخبيرة تغذية ، وراقصة / عارضة أزياء موقعة من CESD.

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