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JBelly School of RAQ: 2nd Annual Student Showcase: بطيخ
JBelly School of RAQ: 2nd Annual Student Showcase: بطيخ

الأحد، ٢٢ شعبان


Manhattan Movement & Arts Center

JBelly School of RAQ: 2nd Annual Student Showcase: بطيخ

بطيخ (bat-teekh) = Watermelon

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الوقت والموقع

٢٢ شعبان ١٤٤٥ هـ، ٦:٠٠ م – ٨:٣٠ م غرينتش-٥

Manhattan Movement & Arts Center, 248 W 60th St, New York, NY 10023, USA


نبذة عن الحدث

JBelly School of RAQ: 2nd Annual Student Showcase  |  presents: بطيخ (bat-teekh) = Watermelon 

The symbol of the watermelon is powerful, the fruit that bears the colors of the flag of Palestine: red, white, green and black. Our simple yet beautiful way to show support to Palestine. 

WHERE: Manhattan Movement Arts Center 


6:00pm | Doors Open

6:30pm | Opening + Solos, Duet's and Trios 

7:15pm | Guest Break 15 Minutes (Enjoy Drinks, Stretch Your Legs, Shop, Dance in Isles) 

7:30 - 8:30pm | The JBelly Jewels, Intructors, and Guest Artists 

SHOW COST:  *Tickets are non-refundable.

  • $30 VIP Seating (first 3 rows of elevated seating) 
  • $22 General Admission ($25 at the Door If Seats are Availalbe) 
  • $22 Orchestra Seating will be Opened Once Other Seats Have Been Filled 

MENU: Beer, Wine and Prosecco will be available for purchase. 

SHOP:  Hip Skirts, Veils, JBelly Tops and More for Sale 

PHOTOS AND VIDEO:  Please tage @jbellyburn for soical media posts. You are welcome to capture what you like.

Live Music feat. 

Guest Performances

  • Raks Al Zahra Director Natalie Nazario - @natalie_hayat
  • Elizabeth Khard - @elizabeth_khard &

JBelly School of RAQ: Intructor Performances

  • Creator/Director of JBelly School of RAQ: Janelle Jalila Issis @jbellyburn
  • Vintage Classic Instructor: Layla Isis @laylaisis
  • Saidi Instructor: Laura Diaz @laurabellydancer
  • Beginner Class Instructor: Gloria Mendoza @glrmndz

JBelly Jewels (Dancers, Soloist, Duets)

  • Soloists:  Fukuko, Tina, Ruthie, Rachel, Tiana, Nyanna, Dezere, Ilma, Zakeya, Victoria, and Haleema
  • Duets:  Nikki & Lorena  |  Natalia & Veronica
  • Trio: Claudia, Jude, & Gabriela

JBelly School of RAQ - Student Works:

  • Weekly Student Spotlight Number by Janelle Issis  
  • Sha'abi Girl MASHUP by Janelle Issis 
  • Vintage Classic Veil by Layla Isis 
  • Raqs Al Assaya (Cane Dance) Saidi by Laura Diaz 
  • Finalé - Modern Raqs & Drum Solo Production by Janelle Issis 


  • VIP Seating

    The VIP section is Row A, B and C of the theater. These are located behind the Orchestra section and are elevated. VIP seating is first come first serve within the section.

    ‏٣٠٫٠٠ US$
    +‏٠٫٧٥ US$ رسوم خدمة
    مباع بالكامل
  • General Admission

    $22 pre-sale, $25 at the door | General Admission tickets are between rows D - J of the theater. These seats are elevated one row from the next. There is a nice view from each row and seat. Please sit anywhere in this section no matter what seat you choose during checkout. General Admission (first come first serve).

    ‏٢٢٫٠٠ US$
    +‏٠٫٥٥ US$ رسوم خدمة
    مباع بالكامل
  • Orchestra Seating

    This section is level to the stage. This is the first 3 rows of seating in the theater closest to the stage. Seating is at a first come first serve basis in this section. If you purchase this ticket you may only choose a seat in the Orchestra section.

    ‏٢٥٫٠٠ US$
    +‏٠٫٦٣ US$ رسوم خدمة
    مباع بالكامل

شارِك هذا الحدث

jbelly school of raq logo janelle jaila issis

جانيل إيسيس هي فنانة جولات وطنية موهوبة ومحبة للمرح ومولودة من أصل فلسطيني أمريكي ، ومصممة رقصات ، ومؤدية ، ويوجيني معتمدة ، وخبيرة تغذية ، وراقصة / عارضة أزياء موقعة من CESD.

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