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Bellydance has changed and evolved in so many ways, this course is an opportunity to take a step back in time and connect to the roots of the famous Egyptian Golden Era dancers who brought us to where bellydance is today. If you are new to bellydance this is a beautiful thing to start with! I created this course with the influence of Egyptian stars Tahia Karioka and Naima Akef’s personal style.


SUGGESTED LEVEL: Open Level. Suitable for a beignner and also for any seasoned dancer who wants to explore Golden Era!! 


WHAT YOU NEED: We will be using a silk or chiffon veil for the entrace of the choreography. Any large 3 yards of cloth will work! I suggest to use chiffon but silk works great also. 


View the choroegphy you will learn in this course here:


COURSE CONTENT (5 Lessons 1HR in length + 5 Bonus Lessons) 

❤︎  Week 1 - Intro to Golden Era, Warm Up, HIP: Strength, Control, Stability Drill, Technique Drills, Introduciton to Choreography and Veil Work. 

❤︎  Week 2 - Study, Technique and Playful Warm Up, Hip Techniqe, Traveling combination,  and Choreography

❤︎  Week 3 - Playful Warm Up, Choreogrpahy Focused session 

❤︎  Week 4 - Warm-Up, Choreography Focused, Reivew and Repetition 

❤︎  Week 5 - Vibrant Warm Up, New Hip Technique and Drills, Choreography Culmination, Perform and Enjoy!!



- 5 Extra 1HR lessons filmed (In-Studio w/ Students) Use these as duplicate lessons or choose between which view you prefer. 

- Golden Era Slide Show: About Golden Era, Movement Focus and More 

- Class Performance Videos to enjoy 

- Lesson Plan outline for each session cooresponding with each Lesson Video. 


This All-Levels 5 Week Course is for anyone to tap into your own expression. Janelle will lead you through warm up, specialized training techniques and choreography offering modifications and advancements along the way!


Janelle will teach you the specific qualities of the Golden Era Dancers and about the Golden Era time and history. 


As a bonus (mentioned above) you will be given 5 extra recorded 1HR lessons. These bonus lessons will provide another view into live class. The material in these lessons will be duplicates of what is given in Lesson 1-5, and they are presented in a studio with students!! I hope you enjoy this special perk to this course!


Belly dance is an individual creative expression of the core moves and core concepts and each belly dancer interprets the music in her own unique way. In one sense it could be said that there are as many belly dance styles as there are belly dancers! I say this because during this series of classes, I want you to have fun, let go, feel the music and look like YOU!


Not sure if online is for you? We can guarantee Janelle’s teaching approach is unlike anyone else!! Give Online class a try and let us know what you think!


With this course I offer complimentary feedback on any section. Please submit your practice videos via the free site to at any time. 

Golden Era Style feat. Naima Akef & Tahia Karioka

    • This course is delivered as a digitally based medium in .pdf form with clickable links.
    • After purchasing please download the .pdf and save it!
    • All classes in this course are available for download as well once opened with wifi.
    • All courses include complimentary feed back on submitted practice videos! 

         Have Fun! Learn at your own speed. I am available for questions! 

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JBelly Tribe Love! Were a community from all walks of life connecting through the art of bellydance! Cultivate your confidence, connection and creativity! 

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